Our Features

All features should be intuitive and simple. While some features make sense for a personal computers they do not for mobile. We develop features that best fit the platform.


Drag and drop

If your prefered method of executing a task is drag and drop. Let us know. We can make that happen.

App integration

Each of our applications are integrated into their respective database.

API Integration

Most of our clients work with 3rd party databases that require a connection to public APIs. We customize to make that work for you.

Expandable Resolutions

Our applications are responsive to any window & platform resizing.

Story about us

Create your application
with expert developers

Our story is simple. People who enjoy building things, preferably things that are useful...sometimes building things just for fun.

Read more

Why Choose Us

  • Direct contact with the people who are trying to execute your vision.
  • Honesty, people who work with us have turned down jobs because they did not make sense for the client.
  • We enjoy what we do.


Employee/Time Management. WebSite Admin Console that integrates with Android & iOS integration.


Project Management for the trucking industry.


Inventory and Distributors connected and centralized.

Quick Software Overview


Please feel free to email us and we will resond ASAP.

Our Office Address

  • 221 Baker Street,
    Atlanta, Georgia
  • contact@zenTech.app

Let's talk about your idea

Answer & Question


Send us an email and we can give you a free estimate based on the amount of features you need/want.

With a dedicated sub-domain e.g. companyName.ZenTech.app. Or if you would like all apps can be set up with your dedicated domain name.

Depending on your feature requests and updates as soon as 2 weeks.

As many as you would like.